Tuesday, September 28, 2010

examples for our youth

Throughout history dating all the way back to when Jesus walked this earth a common theme amongst all people has always been to pass on lessons learned, history, the right way to act and taditions.... why is it then that we have stopped doing that. No longer is it important to teach our youth to do the right thing or to pass along traditions that have been apart of their family for ages. And yet in the same breath we complain about them and the path they are on... as we are shaking a finger at them we should be looking at the three fingers pointing back at us because it it us who dropped the ball... it is us who didn't take the time when we should have to teach our younger siblings, children and students about these things... Now for the explosive part... How can we pretend to follow the desire of Jesus Christ when he asked us to live according to His desire...His way....His WORD!... when we cannot even pass on worldly traditions and proper ways of behavior. Jesus showed by the way He lived how to teach and inform and raise a following... now of course nobody expects you to go out and rise up disciples and perform miracles...but what is wrong wit5h living according to His doctrines and desires and leading by example. Showing our youth and impressionable minds that there is a proper way to act, there are such things as traditions ( especially at Christmas time...shoppers!)... and that life truly would be better all around if only we would lead by the same example He provided us with...or has that been forgotten by all as well?

Monday, September 27, 2010

dealing with stress

1 Peter 5:6-10 says to "humble yourselves,therefore, under Gods mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong,firm and steadfast. It is also said not to worry about tomorrow for today is still at hand. Not one of us knows what tomorrow will bring. Yes we can hope for good things to find there way into our lives but only God truly knows. All we can do is put our faith in Him that He will not put us through anything we cannot handle... we may have bills we cannot pay or ajob uncertainty but the one true certainty that we can count on every time is that He will never leave or forsake us and if we only trust Him to see us through any storm He will guide us through...let us not be like the apostles in the boat when the wind picked up... Jesus will calm the storm if you allow Him to...

When the chips are down

There is an old joke that says your true friend whould be right next to you in the jail cell if that was ever the case and those that were not your true friends would have ran and left you to sit in jail by yourself. I say that a true friend would have kept you out of trouble in the first place. It does go to show the mentality that some people have. They put a joke on a serious matter. Recently I have begun to take notice of the people in my life who are positive and encouaging people in my life and have directed my friendships towards them. The people who are negative, fake, self-centered and who can't take the time to call or text and see if you want to do something instead of you always getting ahold of them have been put into that section of my heart that is reserved for casual people I see on the street. I want people in my life who will be there through thick and thin and wish me the best. To me... the people who are that way are the ones who keep you out of jail. And so that I don't seem hypocritical... I will remain the person who no matter your place in my heart I will always wish you good wishes and pray that your life is blessed by God. I honestly believe that those who know me know that when the chips are down I will always be there for them and do whatever I can for them... not so the act can be returned but because that is what God has asked of me. Maybe if those who act as I describe above would fully listen to what God is saying to them instead of what they want to hear our jails wouldn't be so crowded.